Property Management Blog

Don't Sell Your Investment Property Yet! 5 Reasons to Hold (Even in a Hot Market)

Michael Taylor - Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Should You Sell Your Investment Property? 5 Reasons Why You Might Want to Hold On (Even in a Hot Market)

The Indianapolis real estate market is booming, and many investors are wondering if it's time to cash in on their properties.  While selling can be tempting, there are several compelling reasons why you might be better off holding onto your investments, even in a seller's market.  Here, Mike Taylor, Broker/Owner of Red Door Property Management, dives into five key factors to consider:

1. Hedge Against Inflation with Rental Income Growth

Inflation is a major concern for everyone, but real estate offers a unique hedge.  As inflation rises, the cost of living increases, and guess what else goes up?  Rental income!  Your mortgage payment remains fixed, but your rental income can grow alongside inflation, maintaining your purchasing power and increasing your monthly cash flow.  Selling now means missing out on this potential for increased income, especially in an inflationary environment.

2. Maximize Tax Benefits with Depreciation and 1031 Exchanges

Real estate ownership comes with significant tax advantages.  Depreciation allows you to deduct a portion of the property's value from your taxable income each year, reducing your tax burden.  Want to get even more strategic?  Consider a cost segregation study to accelerate depreciation deductions.  Thinking about selling someday?  A 1031 exchange allows you to reinvest your profits into another property and defer capital gains taxes.  Opportunity zones offer another strategy to minimize or eliminate capital gains tax liability.  The tax benefits of real estate ownership are substantial, making it advantageous to hold onto your property in the long run.

3. Predictable Returns and Long-Term Appreciation

Compared to the volatile stock market, real estate offers a haven of stability.  Property values and rental incomes tend to appreciate over time, providing consistent and reliable returns on your investment.  Imagine holding onto a property for ten years and witnessing substantial value growth.  Let's say you bought a property for $350,000 and experienced a modest 5% annual appreciation.  In ten years, your investment could be worth $570,000 – that's $220,000 of additional value you'd miss out on by selling now.  Don't forget the steady cash flow you'll receive through rental income, not to mention having someone else pay down your mortgage over time!

4. Avoid Transaction Costs and Boost Your Net Profits

Selling a property involves significant upfront costs that can eat into your profits.  Realtor commissions typically range from 3% to 6% of the selling price, and closing costs add up quickly with transfer taxes, title insurance, and attorney fees.  Additionally, if you've owned the property for a while, you might face capital gains taxes on the sale.  Holding onto your property allows you to avoid these expenses and keep more of your hard-earned profits.  Don't forget the potential costs of prepping your property for sale, such as repairs, staging, and marketing.

5. Build Generational Wealth and Leave a Lasting Legacy

Real estate is a powerful tool for creating wealth that can span generations.  By holding onto your investment property, you have the opportunity to pass it down to your heirs, providing them with a valuable asset that can offer long-term financial security.  Imagine leaving a fully paid-off property to your children or grandchildren.  This gift could provide them with rental income, a place to live, or even capital to leverage for further investment.  Real estate has the potential to appreciate significantly over time, meaning the value you pass down could be much higher than its current value, creating a cornerstone for your family's financial future.


While selling your investment property might seem like a quick way to make money, these five reasons highlight the potential benefits of holding onto your assets.  From inflation-hedging rental income to legacy building, the advantages of keeping your property often outweigh the immediate gains of selling.  Remember, real estate is a long-term investment that can provide stability, growth, and lasting financial security.

Contact Red Door Property Management Today!

Considering buying or selling investment properties in Indianapolis?  Red Door Property Management can be your trusted partner.  We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to help you achieve your real estate goals.  Contact us today to learn more!